Vận dụng quan điểm dạy học định hướng hành động cho môn Sinh học lớp 11
Tóm tắt
Preparing learners for applying knowledge in real life and professional situations is the spirit of action-oriented teaching - a popular teaching perspective in German-speaking countries. Using theoretical research methods to study the action-oriented teaching concept and the characteristics of teaching subject Biology Grade 11, combined with pedagogical experimental method (applying the action-oriented teaching concept in teaching Biology 11) and methods of statistical processing, pedagogical observation, interview, qualitative and quantitative analysis, the research has shown that the application of action-oriented teaching perspective can help students improve their general competencies (such as self-learning competence, communication and cooperation competence, creative problem-solving competence) as well as improve their biological competencies (such as biological cognitive competence, the capacity to study biological world and the ability to apply biological knowledge learned). The research results can be a reference for other studies on applying the German action-oriented teaching concept in teaching other subjects at many different educational levels.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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