Phân tích một số mô hình “học tập tự điều chỉnh”
Tóm tắt
The 2018 General Education Curriculum identifies the competency of Self-Study as one of the key target competencies of high school students. However, the concept of this competency has not been clarified, and properly described in terms of competency standards/assessment standards, with merely some indicators of expected outcomes. This article introduces a number of self-regulated learning models, including concepts and component structures, their analysis, as well as the assessing instruments and measurement methods. The models introduced in this article can be used as a reference and basis for developing the structure, concept of the competency of Self-Study, as well as describing it in the form of competency standards/assessment standards, meeting the competency-based approach of the 2018 General Education Curriculum.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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