Vận dụng quy trình mô hình hóa toán học vào giải các bài toán thực tiễn trong dạy học nội dung “Giá trị lớn nhất của hàm số” (Giải tích 12)
Tóm tắt
As stated in the general education program, a students’ competency that needs to be formed in teaching Mathematics is math modelling capacity. Through mathematical modeling activities, students not only can solve practical problems but also form and develop their mathematical modeling capacity. This study applied the mathematical modeling process to teaching and solving practical problems in teaching the topic “Maximum value of a function” (Calculus 12). In order to effectively apply the mathematical modeling process in teaching Mathematics, teachers need to flexibly apply active teaching methods, select appropriate content to enhance the development of this capacity for students.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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