Nâng cao năng lực dạy học của giáo viên tiểu học qua mô hình “Trường học kết nối”

Các tác giả

  • Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng Trường Đại học Sư phạm - Đại học Thái Nguyên

Tóm tắt

The connected school model fosters creativity and exploration in the learning process, enabling teachers and students to interact and share knowledge, undertake projects, and conduct research without barriers of distance or geographical constraints. Utilizing a secondary literature review method, the paper analyzes the teaching competences of primary school teachers and the characteristics of the connected school model. It emphasizes the requirements for innovation in teaching methods, communication, collaboration, and flexible use of information technology by primary school teachers when implementing the connected school model. At the same time, we consulted the opinions of 29 education experts from teacher training institutions, education departments, core teachers, and educational administrators to propose and analyze measures for training and enhancing the teaching competences of primary school teachers within the connected school model, related to training organization, professional development, research, community building, and learning environment. The results provide specific information to support primary school teachers in building a connected learning community, creating a diverse and enriching educational environment, contributing to optimizing the teaching competences of primary school teachers in the 21st century.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Đã Xuất bản


Cách trích dẫn

Nguyễn, T. T. H. (2024). Nâng cao năng lực dạy học của giáo viên tiểu học qua mô hình “Trường học kết nối”. Tạp Chí Giáo dục, 24(số đặc biệt 2), 152–157. Truy vấn từ https://tcgd.tapchigiaoduc.edu.vn/index.php/tapchi/article/view/1709


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