Sự phát triển lời nói của trẻ em nói tiếng Việt: một nghiên cứu tổng quan
- Từ khóa:
- Speech acquisition
- children
- Vietnamese
- review
Tóm tắt
Speech is an important area of children's development. Children's speech development has been studied for a long time and in many different languages around the world. Six studies on speech development of Vietnamese- speaking children conducted in Vietnam were found. Using content analysis, 5 main themes were concluded. General information (author, year, publication) were outlined. Participants’ demographic characteristics (location, spoken dialect, sample size, age, sex, status of socio-economic, development, hearing, oral motor) were described. Method to elicit of speech samples was described, including research design, technique, elicitation tool, scoring, transcription, reliability and examiners. Different speech analysis were addressed, including percentage of phonemes correct, phonological processes, criteria for age of acquisition. A synthesis of results including the percentage of correct phonemes, phoneme processing processes, and age of acquisition was presented. Given on the review results, the article discusses the gap and provides directions for future research on the speech development of Vietnamese-speaking children.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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Lee, S. A., Nguyen, T. P. M., Truong, N. T. Q., Dang, H. T. T., & Ha, N. C. (2022). Phonological development in Vietnamese children with the central Vietnamese dialect. 2022 Online APSLH Symposium: Innovation on Research and Practice of Speech, Language, and Hearing in Children. Proceedings of the Conference, 28-29.
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