Tổ chức dạy học nội dung “Chất và sự biến đổi của chất” (Khoa học tự nhiên 6) theo mô hình dạy học 5E nhằm phát triển năng lực tìm hiểu tự nhiên cho học sinh
Tóm tắt
Natural Science is a highly applicable subject associated with everyday life, contributing to the formation of students’ qualities and competence. Applying the 5E teaching model is considered one of the highly effective learning models, helping students access practical knowledge, thereby developing learners’ competency of natural world inquiry as they would be proactive in learning, searching for information and knowledge, meeting the requirements of the current general education program. In this article, we use the 5E teaching model with appropriate characteristics and processes to assess the level of natural world inquiry competency and propose a specific set of assessment tools for teaching and learning the content “Substances and changes of substances” - Natural Sciences 6. The researchers also conducted experiments on 03 topics of the content in question: (1) Oxygen and air; (2) Some common materials, fuels, and raw materials and (3) Mixtures - Solutions - Pure substances. The experimental results confirm the suitability of the teaching model. This research content can be a premise to expand the teaching process to develop natural world inquiry competency with many topics other in the Natural Science curriculum or other subjects.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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