Nghiên cứu các tác động của cha mẹ đến năng lực tính toán của học sinh trung học cơ sở khu vực miền núi và vùng dân tộc thiểu số phía Bắc Việt Nam
Tóm tắt
In Vietnam, there have been a number of authors who have researched and proposed solutions to develop learners’ numeracy, most of which, however, are associated with the Mathematics teaching process, that is, focusing on the role of teachers in the development of students' computing competence. This study was conducted on 279 parents of students from 8 northern mountainous provinces of Vietnam to determine the factors related to parents affecting the computing competence of junior high school students in mountainous areas and ethnic minority areas in the North of Vietnam. The results show that: parents' trust in the usefulness of Math; parents' beliefs in teachers and schools; Parents' support with their child's math learning are factors that affect students' computational capacity. Regarding future studies, the hypotheses about other influencing factors from parents, observed variables as well as the research sample would be considered to increase the reliability of the research results.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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