Xu hướng nghiên cứu về đánh giá thực trong giáo dục đại học: Trắc lượng thư mục khoa học từ cơ sở dữ liệu Scopus
Tóm tắt
Assessment is an important and indispensable component in teaching, a core task in education, and is always of societal concern. There are many effective assessment methods that have been researched and applied, among which authentic assessment is a commonly used method in recent times. Analyzing 395 publications in the Scopus database from 1993 to 2023 based on the bibliometric analysis method has revealed figures about studies on this topic including: Annual growth of research volume, publication sources, citation counts, journals, authors, international collaboration among authors. Through keyword analysis, the main research themes in each period have also been identified. The results of the study not only reveal the annual growth rate of publications on authentic assessment in higher education but also provide an overview of prominent research directions in each period. This is valuable information for scholars to identify appropriate research directions on this topic in the future.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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Escobar, B. A., Escandón-Nagel, N. I., Barrera-Herrera, A. L., & García-Hormazábal, R. A. (2023). Authentic assessment as a tool to evaluate the achievement of competencies in psychology programs. Formacion Universitaria, 16(2), 35-48. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50062023000200035
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Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., & Liu, J. (2021). A Holistic Review of Authentic Assessment in Mathematics Education. In Authentic Assessment and Evaluation Approaches and Practices in a Digital Era (Issue September 2021). https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004501577
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