Vận dụng mô hình CDIO trong thiết kế bài học STEM
Tóm tắt
In the context of the increasing emphasis and strong development of STEM education, the search for effective and appropriate teaching methods and models becomes urgent. The CDIO model has been successfully applied in engineering education and has the potential for application in STEM lesson design. This study was conducted to explore the feasibility of applying the CDIO model in designing STEM lessons, contributing to improving the quality of STEM teaching and learning. The study indicates that the CDIO model can be effectively applied in STEM lesson design. The Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate stages of the CDIO model are compatible with the STEM lesson design process. The research results open up a new approach to STEM lesson design, contributing to the innovation of teaching methods and improving the quality of STEM education. The application of the CDIO model in STEM lesson design needs to be further researched and widely implemented, and it requires support and investment from educational management levels.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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