Làm rõ nội hàm “Chính sách xã hội hóa xuất bản sách giáo khoa” tại Việt Nam trong bối cảnh thực hiện Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông 2018
Tóm tắt
The implementation of the 2018 General Education Curriculum has entailed manifold changes and reforms, as well as the introduction of new policies, one of which is “Socialization of writing, editing and releasing general education textbooks” (“Socialization” of publishing general education textbooks). At the present time, fundamental studies are needed to help guide the implementation and evaluation of this policy. Stemming from that need, this study focuses on clarifying the content (concept, nature) of the textbook publishing “socialization” policy in Vietnam to answer the question: How can the textbook “socialization” policy currently implemented be interpreted? Through an overview of research and policies in the world as well as in Vietnam, the article conducts comparisons to draw scientific conclusions, thereby clarifying the content of “socialization” policy in education in general and the “socialization” policy in general education textbook publishing in Vietnam in particular. Finally, the study draws conclusions about the correct interpretation of this policy. The research results contribute to build an appropriate perspective which is also consistent with international trends about a new policy in Vietnam, supporting educational management when implementing the 2018 General Education Curriculum.
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