Sử dụng sơ đồ tư duy trong dạy học Tập làm văn ở tiểu học: Một nghiên cứu trường hợp
Tóm tắt
Education and teaching practice shows that only using traditional teaching methods will make students passive and uncreative, while modern teaching theory emphasizes the use of tools such as mind maps to develop students' thinking and writing competences. From analyzing the role of mind maps in developing thinking, creativity, memorization and systematization of knowledge, the advantages and limitations of using mind maps, the article proposes the use of mind maps in teaching Writing in primary schools, with specific procedures and instructions for each type of lesson. The results after the experiment show a clear difference; students in the experimental group have significant positivity in both the level of interest in learning and the quality of writing. From there, the author proposes a number of recommendations to improve and promote the use of mind maps in teaching Writing. This method is not only consistent with the orientation of the 2018 General Education Program but also contributes to improving the quality of teaching and learning. Further studies can expand the application of mind maps in other subjects to comprehensively develop students' thinking skills.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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