Xu hướng đa dạng hóa các bảng xếp hạng đại học toàn cầu
- Từ khóa:
- Ranking
- higher education
- global
- trend
- diversify
Tóm tắt
Global universities ranking is one of the most important trend in higher education over the past 20 years. Early university rankings such as Time Higher Education or QS University Ranking often tended to be “single”, meaning only one university ranking system. Yet, the article points out that the rating agencies tend to diversify their rankings in recent years. In addition to the traditional global university rankings, many new rankings have been established based on specific criteria such as: regional rankings, rankings by university age, rankings by other criteria. However, they still have certain methodological limitations. Therefore, higher education administrators, researchers, and policy makers need to be aware of the ranking results and combine the ranking criteria with planning to effectively orient the development.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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